The Alzheimer’s Association is now offering several free continuing education activities — designed for, and by, interdisciplinary medical teams and scientific professionals — to provide the most up-to-date information on the latest developments in this fast-changing field. Activities span a range of topics such as the role of various screening protocols and treatment options, to risk factors among diverse populations and how age of onset impacts clinical management strategies.
Modifiable Risk Factors for Dementia Microlearning Series (CME, CNE) This four-part microlearning series will address lifestyle and behaviors that may reduce the risk of developing dementia. This series will outline evidence-based, risk reduction interventions for dementia focused on: (1) Physical Activity (2) Diabetes/Obesity (3) Vascular Risks and (4) Tobacco Use. These modules are provided by the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and the Alzheimer’s Association. Estimated time to complete activities: 15 minutes and .25 credit hours per module.
Dementia Clinical Care Education Series (CME, CNE, CE) This four-part continuing education series outlines strategies and real-world case studies for dementia care including: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Assessment and Mild Cognitive Impairment. These modules are provided by the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and the Alzheimer's Association. Estimated time to complete activities: 20-25 minutes and 0.5 credit hours per module.
Dementia Clinical Care Foundations (CME, CNE, CE) This three-part video series addresses core concepts of dementia care Including: (1) Screening (2) Diagnosis and Treatment and (3) Person-Centered Approaches to Dementia Behavior Management.
Tau Primer 2024 CME, CNE Research experts in the field discuss various topics related to Tau Biomarkers; including a clinical overview, drug development, risk and environmental factors, genetics, molecular and cell biology.
Visit alz.org/CME to view additional continuing education courses.
Online Dementia Care Training and Certification
Program From Alzheimer's Association (3 CEs)
The Alzheimer's Association has created a new online teaching program -- essentiALZ -- that provides training and certification for those caring for individuals with dementia. The three-hour online program is self-paced and features videos and interactive activities to educate professional care workers on current evidence-based, person-centered practices to care for individuals living with dementia.
The program covers five topic areas including the basics of Alzheimer’s and dementia, person-centered care, assessment and care planning, activities of daily living, and communication changes and dementia-related behavior. Individual caregivers can purchase the program for $59.99 and receive six-month access to the program, a certification and exam and three contact hours accredited by Rush University Medical Center.
For more information about the program, visit alz.org/esstiALZ.
Para acceder a la formación y certificación de español, visita alz.org/essentiALZespanol.
Nurses on Boards: An E-Learning Course (1 CE)
Michigan Health Council, in partnership with the Michigan Nursing Action Coalition/Nurses on Boards Project, is pleased to share an opportunity for nurses to consider and learn about serving on an organizational board of directors or trustees.
The course illuminates the benefits of nurse representation on boards for both the nurse and their professional organization, and guides the learner in preparing for, identifying, and approaching an organization that connects with their personal and professional goals. The module has been authorized to award one credit hour of continuing education for the nominal fee of $10. The course can be free of charge to interested persons who are not seeking CE credit.
The link to the MHC website by which you can access the for-pay version as well as the free version is here. For more information, you can visit the national Nurses on Board Coalition here.