Section 1.01 Name The name of this organization is The American Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN), referred to herein as “the Association”.
Section 1.02 Location The principal office of the Association shall be at 3655 W. Anthem Way, Suite A-109, Anthem, AZ 85086. The Association may have other offices within or without the State of Arizona, as the Board of Directors, referred to hereafter as “the Board” may determine from time to time. AAMN is incorporated in Alabama and this verbiage shall remain in the bylaws until such time as incorporation is changed to another state.
Section 1.03 Incorporation The Association is incorporated as a 501(c)6 tax exempt organization
The primary mission of this association is to promote and enhance men’s health nationally and internationally through national policy, research and education.
The purpose of this organization the Association is to advance the unique contribution of men to nursing and to use their diverse perspective to enrich and broaden the landscape of the nursing profession.
The objectives of the Association are:
1. to advocate for continued research, education and dissemination of scholarly data and to institutionalize the praxis of men’s health by generating nursing knowledge locally, nationally and internationally.
2. to sustain the advancement of professional growth for men in nursing by fortifying their contributions made to the nursing profession.
3. to encourage men to become nurses and to elevate the profession by strengthening and advancing health care.
4. and to endorse full participation of members in the nursing profession and affiliated organizations.
Membership in the Association shall be available by application, as herein provided, to Licensed Nurses, nursing students, corporations whose values and mission align with the Association and individuals who are considering nursing as a profession, known as pre-professionals.
Section 5.01 Classifications Equal Opportunity Statement Membership in the AAMN is unrestricted by consideration of age, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, lifestyle, nationality, race, religion, or gender.
There shall be five levels of membership: Full Membership, Student Membership, Honorary Membership, International Membership, Corporate Membership and pre-professional membership.
Full Membership: Full members must be Registered Nurses and are entitled to these membership privileges, to vote at Association Meetings, to be appointed or elected to Association office, receive official correspondence on Association operations and strategic plan measures, and to have Chapter membership privileges as specified in the Chapter Bylaws.
Student Membership: Student members are, students enrolled in a pre-licensure program or enrolled in a graduate program approved by the Association Board. Student members may serve on Chapter committees, hold Chapter office and vote at Chapter meetings if permitted by Chapter Bylaws. Student members may serve on national committees, vote at Association Meetings, may be counted as part of a quorum at Association Meetings, but may not hold National Association office or be a member of the Board.
Honorary Membership: Honorary membership in the Association may be conferred upon recommendation of the Board by vote at any annual Association meeting to those who have rendered distinguished service or valuable contribution to nursing service, science, education, or leadership. All persons receiving the Luther Christman Award shall receive honorary membership. Honorary members may participate in discussions at all meetings, but may not vote at Association Meetings or be counted as part of a quorum. Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues to the Association and shall have all membership privileges except making motions, voting, and holding office. Honorary members may become full members by paying annual dues and would be able to fully participate in all activities, offices, etc. open to Full members. Chapter Bylaws will determine honorary membership privileges at Chapter meetings and activities.
International Membership: International members will be any registered nurse or nursing student who is a non-United States resident. International members are entitled to membership privileges including access to “Members Only” section of the web site and attendance at AAMN annual conference at membership rate. International members may not hold any national AAMN
office but may be a member of a non-elected committee. These include all national task forces, appointed committees, and projects of the Association. International members do not have voting privileges on Association business or elections. International members may become Full members by determination from the Board.
Corporate Membership: Corporate memberships will include educational institutions, health care institutions, and corporations wishing to support the work of the association. The Board will determine the amount of corporate dues. Corporate members will receive all privileges of regular membership with the exception of holding office.
Pre-Professional Membership: Pre-Professional Members are defined as an individual who is considering nursing as a career and support the mission, vision, and values of AAMN. Pre- Professional members are entitled to membership privileges including access to “Members Only” section of the web site with access to the newsletter and attendance at AAMN annual conference at member rate. International members may not hold any national AAMN office but may be a member of a non-elected committee.
Section 5.02 Suspension and Reinstatement The Board of the Association may by a majority vote, censure, suspend, or expel any member for cause after giving such member an opportunity to have a hearing. Any member suspended or expelled may be reinstated by an affirmative majority vote of the Board. Procedures “for cause” will be determined in accordance with the Code for Nurses of the American Nurses Association.
Section 6.01 Chapters
1. Chapters composed of members of the Association may be formed by action of the Board of Directors upon submitting said documents per procedure. 2. Chapter affiliation with the Association will be defined by a charter that serves under the Association. The Charter shall be submitted for review at the time of petition. Chapters must adhere to all report requests from the Association as defined in the Charter agreement to attest to compliance. 3. All local chapter officers and advisers will be required to be national members of the Association in addition to membership in the program-based chapter based on membership definitions. 4. All local chapter officers and members of a community-based Chapter will be required to be full members of the Association and pay full membership rates to the Association. If a student belongs to a community-based Chapter, the student will pay the Student Membership rate to the Association. 5.. A Chapter may establish its own local dues structure in addition to national Association dues, which shall not conflict with that of the Association.
6. A Chapter may not act in the name of the Association unless the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors has given consent. 7. A Chapter may elect to pursue its own nonprofit status, upon approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 6.02 Conferences The Association shall hold an annual conference. The Association also holds the right to perform regional or local meetings led by local chapters by determination of the Board.
Section 7.01 Roles Definitions
Board of Directors Includes Chairman of the Board, Executive Committee, six Board Members-at-Large, and the Immediate Past President. Duties include the coordination of activities, the development of policy, management of finances and action on committee reports.
Immediate Past President. Duties include advisement to the Board for coordination of activities, the development of policy, management of finances and action on committee reports. Liaison as voting member on the Foundation Board of Directors.
Executive Committee A two-year term of office, except for the President-Elect and Vice President. Includes President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Duty is to run the daily business of AAMN.
Board Members-At-Large All serve two-year terms; three are elected on odd years, and three on even years. (See Board of Directors above for duties)
Chairman of the Board Is an honorary position, selected by the Board and has no voting rights and privileges and serves as an ex-offico advisor to the Board. Serves as liaison as voting member on the Foundation Board of Directors.
President Serves as spokesperson, presides over Meetings, appoints Ad Hoc Committee members. Is Ex- officio member of all committees and supervises general business.
President-Elect Upon serving one year as President- Elect he/she assumes the Presidency, or if the President is absent or unable to assume duties.
Vice-President Assumes Presidency if President is absent or unable to assume duties, during the year without a President-Elect, assists President, Parliamentarian, confers with Committees, and chairs Bylaws Committee.
Secretary With the support of the Account Executive, keeps minutes and records, including attendance, committee and officer reports, roll of members, conducts official correspondence, plans annual conference in collaboration with conference planning committee and is Chairperson of of Education Committee.
Treasurer With the support of the Account Executive, keeps records of accounts, deposits and disburses as directed by Board, recommends investments, maintains records of dues paying members and notifies those in arrears, and presents budget to the Board for approval prior to the start of the next fiscal year. The Treasurer will have signatory authority in addition to the President on behalf of the Board.
Junior Board of Directors The AAMN Junior Board of Directors will mirror the AAMN Board of Directors including officers of President, Vice President/President-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and six at large members. The AAMN President and Chairman of the Board will advise the Junior Board of Directors for group mentorship purposes. Each at large member will be assigned an AAMN National Committee to serve and report to the Junior Board of Directors. Junior Board of Directors will be issued a full vote on all AAMN National Committees for decision-making.
Standing Committees Members serve a one-year term for all Committees. There shall be no limit on the number of times a member may be reappointed to the committee.
Section 7.02 Membership The membership of the Board consists of all elected Officers, Board Members, the Chairman of the Board (an honorary position selected by the Board), and the immediate Past President.
Section 7.03 Duties of the Chairman The AAMN Chairperson is appointed by the Board of Directors for a term of five years. The Chairperson will be limited to two consecutive terms by reappointment by the Board. The appointment is made by the Association to an individual who has had many years of experience and promises to bring continuity to the organization. The Chairman serves as an ex officio
member of the Board of Directors with no voting rights and provides sustainability through experience to serve as a strategic advisor to the Board and the Association’s President.
Section 7.04 Duties of the Board
1. The duties of the Board shall be:
a. to develop and coordinate the activities and general policies of the Association; b. to act for the membership under such limitations as may be imposed by general
membership; c. and to manage the finances of the Association, and to receive and to act upon the
reports of all Committees.
2. The Board shall meet at least two (2) times annually. The Executive Committee or a quorum, must be represented, by at least fifty 50 percent of the voting board members
3. The Board shall have the power to transact and conduct all regular and special business of this Association, providing that any actions which it shall take do not conflict with the Bylaws.
4. The Board may call general membership meetings not provided by these Bylaws.
5. The Board shall have the power to appoint ad hoc committees or task forces as needed to accomplish the strategic goals of the Association.
7. The Immediate past president and the Chairperson of the Board will serve as ex officio advisors to the Officers of the Board of Directors and shall NOT retain voting rights on issues before the Board of Directors.
8. In addition to regularly scheduled Board meetings via conference call and at the annual Conference, the Board shall be free to communicate electronically (via e-mail or other forms) to communicate items of business needing Board discussion and approval. The person initiating the electronic vote shall:
a. record the detailed motion, b. the board member seconding the motion, c. the voting outcome (number of ayes, nays and abstentions). This person shall submit these details to the President for inclusion as a consent agenda item on the subsequent board meeting.
Section 8.01 Officers
1. Officers of the Association shall include the President, the President-Elect, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, Immediate Past-President, and six (6) Board Members at-large.
2. These members shall comprise the Board of Directors, referred to herein as “the Board”.The President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure shall be known as the Executive Committee. 3. The term of office for each officer, except that of the President-Elect, shall be two (2) years or until a successor has been elected and qualified. No officer shall hold the same office more than two consecutive full terms (four years). The term of the President-Elect shall be one (1) year, after which the President-Elect shall ascend to the office of President for two (2) years. The Chairman of the Board serves at the will of the Board. 4. Executive Committee Members must have previously served on the Board and/or as an elected officer of a local AAMN chapter to be eligible for nomination and election to President- Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The exception to this occurs in the event that none of the current Board Members-at-large run for said position.
5. The officers and Board Members at Large shall be elected prior to the annual Association conference via electronic secret ballot by voting members in good standing. The AAMN Leadership Succession Committee will review, determine, and certify the election results.
Section 8.02 Duties of Officers The powers and duties of elected officers shall be those pertaining to the office and such other duties as may be designated by the Board.
1. The President shall be the Chief Elected Officer of the Association and shall, subject to the control of the Board, have general supervision, direction, and control of the Association’s business, together with the general powers and duties of leadership, strategic planning, governance, and management vested in the Association’s outsourced management service. In addition to the duties specified below, the President shall have such other power and duties as may be prescribed by the Board or the Bylaws. The President works closely with the Account Executive of the Association who has the responsibility for the operations and management of the Association’s business.
The President’s duties shall include: 1. To act as spokesperson for the Association. 2. To plan agendas with the Account Executive and preside over meetings of the Board, the general membership, and the Association’s annual conference, or to delegate these duties to the President-Elect or the Vice-President. 3. Appoint board members (officers, members at large) when a vacancy exists outside the election cycle, pending approval of the board. 4. Appoint Chairpersons and members for Standing Committees, AdHoc Committees and Task Forces annually or when a vacancy exists, pending approval of the board. 5. To serve as ex-officio member of all Committees except the AAMN Leadership Succession Committee. 6. To serve as Immediate Past President for a two-year term following expiration of the Presidential term. 7. To orient the President-Elect.
2. The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President in one (1) year. In addition to the duties stated below, the President-Elect shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Board or the Bylaws.
The President-Elect’s duties include: 1. To learn the duties of the President during the one (1) year prior to becoming President. 2. To assist the President as requested. 3. In the event the President is unable to serve, the position of President will be assumed by the President-Elect.
3. The Vice President in the event the office of President becomes vacant during a year in which no President-Elect is serving, assumes the office of President. In addition to the duties stated below, the Vice-President shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the board.
The Vice-President’s duties include: 1. To assist the President. 2. To serve as parliamentarian at general membership meetings. 3. To confer with Committee Chairpersons to assure Committee reports are prepared and are to be presented at meetings. 4. To serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the AAMN Leadership Succession Committee 5. To serve as Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee. 6. To orient the newly elected Vice-President. 7. Upon completion of the term(s) as Vice-President, to serve when invited by the Board as an Advisor to the Board for a two-year term.
4. The Secretary shall, with the support from Account Executive, keep minutes of Meetings and actions of the Board, in addition to the duties stated below, the Secretary shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Board.
The Secretary’s duties include: 1. To serve as Chairperson of the Education Committee. 2. Review and approve minutes and other records associated with board meetings prior to Account Executive distribution to the board. 3. To note attendance and present Minutes for approval at meetings. 4. To keep copies of all formal reports of the officers and Committee Chairpersons. 5. To conduct official correspondence of the Association. 6. Identify for the Account Executive all papers, letters, and transactions of the Association that require custodial filing in the office and require originals or copies to be forwarded to the AAMN Archives at least annually. 7. To serve as Editor of the newsletter of the Association.
8. To have posted a current roster of officers, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee members 9. To Oversee planning of the annual conference 10. To orient the newly-elected Secretary.
5. The Treasurer, with the support of the Account Executive, shall keep and maintain adequate and correct books and accounts of the business transactions of the Association. Such books and accounts shall at all reasonable time be available to the Executive Board and/or Board. The Treasurer shall have such powers and duties as those stated below, and from time to time shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board.
The Treasurer’s duties include: 1. To monitor the deposit process of all money and other valuables in the name and to the credit of the Association with such depositories as may be ordered by the Board. 2. To oversee the disbursement of funds of the Association as may be ordered by the Board. 3. To recommend to the Board possible avenues of investment for the funds and to invest such funds as directed by the Board. 4. To serve in the lead capacity and work directly with the Account Executive, contracted staff (e.g. Certified Public Accountant) and others as deemed appropriate on the annual accounting of the financial status, including but not limited to an annual report to the Board, completion of required annual federal tax filing, and an annual summary report to the membership. 5. To assist in the development of the annual budget and present to the Board for approval. 6. To present at the Annual Conference a financial report consisting of income and expenses for the current year, and projections for the following year. 7. To orient the newly-elected Treasurer.
6. The Chairman of the Board is an honorary position and serves a five-year term as ex-officio member of the Board as an advisor. The Chairman can serve two consecutive terms. The Chairman is selected by the Board and has no voting rights and privileges. The Chairman shall perform other such duties from time to time as prescribed by the Board or the Bylaws.
7. Immediate Past President serves for a two-year term following expiration of the Presidential term. The Immediate Past President has no voting rights and privileges, serves in an ex-officio advisory capacity, and provides for organizational history on Board and Association matters. The Immediate Past President shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Board or the Bylaws.
8. Vacancies in the offices of President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Board Members at Large, and Chairman of the Board shall be filled by appointment by the President pending approval by the Board usually at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
9. The Association and its members shall not hold any Board Member personally liable for his/her actions taken within the scope of his/her duties as described within these Bylaws.
Section 8.03 Removal of an Officer
1. Any officer may be removed from office for serious misconduct, failure to perform his/her duties and/or two (2) consecutive, unexcused absences from scheduled Board Meetings, including those meetings held per Conference Call. Notification of the President in advance of the Meeting constitutes a valid excuse. The President may request the Board member to appoint a representative to participate in the meeting in the Board member’s absence.
2. A charge of serious misconduct can be brought against an officer by:
a. A written charge requires that at least thirty percent of the Board have agreed the charge be executed or b. A petition to the Board is signed by ten percent of the membership. C. A Hearing Board will be convened if the officer denies the charge, request a hearing, or refuses to step down from the Board.
3. Hearing Board
a. The Hearing Board shall be comprised of a quorum of the Board as defined in Article VII. b. The written notice composed by the President or designee must indicate the specific charges and the date, time, and location for the Hearing to be held. c. The person so charged and/or the Hearing Officers may call witnesses to testify at the Hearing, which may be open/closed at the discretion of the person charged. d. The Hearing Board must render a decision no later than 72 hours after the hearing. The Hearing Board shall render a decision including specific finding which led to that decision. e. An officer accused may have another member, not on the Board, assist them at such Hearing. f. Any officer who fails to respond to charges brought by the Hearing Board shall be subject to the decision of the Board of Directors, which is final.
Section 9.01 Meetings
1. There shall be a Conference and Business Meeting annually at a time and place designated by the Board from recommendation of the Education Committee. 2. Each member of the Association in good standing shall be notified verbally at a Board of Directors meeting and/or electronically, at least sixty (60) days prior to such a meeting. 3. Special meetings: Special business meetings shall be called by the Account Executive upon written request of the President, or a majority of the Board, or by petition signed by one-third of
the membership. A special Meeting shall be held at such a time and place determined by the Board. 4. Program Meetings for the membership may be held at such times and at such locations as the Board deems advisable (i.e regional conferences, webinars, etc.)
Section 9.02 Quorum A minimum of ten (10) percent of the total membership of this Association and two (2) officers, one of whom is the President, President-Elect, or Vice-President, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of this Association at any duly authorized general membership meeting. Total membership is comprised of Full RN members and student members.
Section 9.03 Parliamentary Procedure Annual, Business, and Special Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order (Robert’s Rules of Order, 2013)
Section 10.01 Types of Committees There shall be such Standing Committees as described in the Bylaws. The Board also may establish additional Committees unless otherwise stipulated in the Bylaws. The President, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint the Chairperson and members of Ad Hoc Committees. Where Chairs of Standing Committee are not specified by the Bylaws, the President shall appoint the Chairperson of Standing Committees. Additionally, the President may appoint members of Standing Committees when insufficient candidates for election have not appeared, or when a vacancy occurs in either Standing or Ad Hoc Committees during their terms.
Section 10.02 Standing Committees
AAMN Leadership Succession Committee: The AAMN Leadership Succession Committee shall consist of a Past President, Chairman of the Board, and up to two (2) members elected by electronic ballot at the same time the Board of Directors election process, who shall serve from the close of the upcoming annual conference until the election process is complete by the next annual conference. The Leadership Succession Committee is to be chaired by a Past President. If one or more members of the AAMN Leadership Succession Committee become unable to serve during the term of office, the Board will appoint a replacement.
Duties of AAMN Leadership Succession Committee are: 1. To promote leadership succession within AAMN; 2. To manage the AAMN election process inclusive of announcements of officer vacancies, nomination process, candidate vetting process, preparation of a slate of candidates, voting process, and reporting election results to the Board of Directors and AAMN membership; 3. Monitor the integrity of the voting process;
4. Compose policies and procedures regarding the Leadership Succession Committee duties and responsibilities for approval by AAMN Board of Directors; and 5. Secure election results and credentials for one (1) year.
Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws committee shall consist of the Vice President and at least two (2) members appointed by the Board to serve a one-year term.
Duties of the Committee are: 1. To Interpret the Bylaws as needed, which shall be binding. 2. To review the Bylaws annually and make recommendations regarding any changes, alterations, or deletions. 3. To review suggestions from members regarding changes to assure that the Bylaws reflect the current needs and requirements of the Association. 4. To prepare amendments after published notification in newsletter of intent to revise before the Annual Conference. 5. To present to the Annual Conference any proposed changes in the Bylaws for consideration. 6. To recommend rules for conducting the Annual Conference and Business Meeting. .
Membership and Chapters Committee: The Membership and Chapters Committee shall consist of a Board Member as Chairman, and at least three (3) members appointed by the Board to serve a one-year term.
Duties of the Committee are: 1. To oversee the maintenance of a current roster of all dues-paying members, and the notification of each arrears, in writing, by mail, email or other correspondence. 2. To provide information on Chapter formation and general inquiries regarding membership. 3. To assist members in forming new Chapters. 4. To serve as liaison between the Board and members forming Chapters. 5. To monitor chapter compliance with annual Chapter requirements. 6. To act as a point of contact for member and chapter concerns/issues to brought to the Board. 7. To assist Chapters as needed in continuing activities and member recruitment and retention. 8. To provide Chapter news to newsletter. 9. To review Chapter Bylaws/Charters, talk/correspond as needed with Chapter submitting, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Communication Committee: The Communication Committee shall consist of one (1) Board member, who shall serve as chairman, and at least (3) members appointed by the Board to serve a two-year term.
Duties of the committee are: 1. Publish in the name of the Association, a quarterly newsletter to document the historical significance of Association activities, position statements, chapter development, contributions of members to the nursing profession, articles of interest, and content relevant to men in nursing. 2. Establish standards and guidelines to structure the design, features, and content of the Association’s website and provide members with current and accurate information related to Association initiatives, professional issues, chapter functions, and membership development. 3. Develop processes to coordinate communication activities among diverse media applications and explore innovative avenues to inform and engage the membership. 4. Forward electronic and hardcopy files of Association communications, minutes, actions, and presentations for deposition in an archive.
Education Committee: The Education Committee shall consist of two (2) Board Members one of which shall be the secretary and serve as chairman, and at least three (3) members appointed by the Board to serve a two- year term.
Duties of the Committee are: 1. To secure a location and date for the annual conference. 2. To develop the theme and objectives for the annual conference 3. To issue a call for abstracts for presentations and/or posters for the annual conference. 4. To receive, review, and approve abstracts for presentation and/or posters for the annual conference. 5. To serve as the Association’s coordinators or liaisons to coordinators for the production of the annual conference. 6. To provide a summary of all educational offerings, including the annual conference, for publication in the newsletter.
Recognition Review Committee of the Excellence in Nursing Education Program: The Recognition Review Committee of the Excellence in Nursing Education Program shall consist of at least: one (1) current AAMN Board member and four current AAMN members, of whom at least one (1) shall be employed full time as a nurse educator and one (1) shall be employed full time as a nurse clinician, appointed by the Board to serve a two-year term. There shall be no limit on the number of times a member may be reappointed to the committee. The Board of Directors may appoint additional members as needed.
Duties of the Committee are: 1. To work with the Account Executive to publicize the Excellence in Nursing Education Program. 2. To provide official guidance for applicants during the application process. 3. To review all program applications.
4. To prepare, for submission to the Board, a summary report of each application. 5. To make recommendation for the recognition or denial of recognition for each application to the Board.
AAMN Awards Committee: The Awards Committee shall consist of one Board member and at least two (2) members appointed by the Board to serve a two-year term. Awards Committee has the responsibility to review and recommend award recipients to the Board
Duties of the Awards Committee are: 1. To publicize the awards. 2. To review the submissions for each award. 3. To make recommendations for award recipients to the Board. 4. To notify recipients that they have been selected for an award. 5. To work with the management company to create plaques for the awardees. 6. To work with the management company to create the program for the Award Ceremony Reception 7. To present the awards at the Award Ceremony Reception or other events held during the annual conference.
President’s Council: The acting President and Board will request representatives from all living and former Leadership of the American Association for Men in Nursing to serve on the council. This honorary committee comprises an advisory body to the Board of Directors. It is chaired by a former President chosen by the current acting President. It meets at a frequency determined by its members and at the request of the President, but not less than once a year. The Chair of the President’s Council is asked to provide the Board of Directors with input as the President deems advisable, or as the Board of the Association may request.
Section 10.03 Archivist The archivist is a position that is appointed by the Board for a term agreeable to both the archivist and the Board. The archivist is not a Board member. The archivist is responsible for archiving all electronic and paper copy of the proceedings of the Association.
1. Archived items shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Minutes of Board of Directors meetings. b. Copies of the newsletter. c. Syllabi/conference books from the annual conferences. d. Positions/white papers or resolutions adopted by the Association. e. Copies of and revisions to the Bylaws. f. Annual summaries form each Board member and Committee chair. g. Selected and available photographs of AAMN activities. h. List of all Luther Christman, Lee Cohen member of the Year, and other awards as given by the Association.
1. The archivist will devise and maintain a system of categorizing and securing archived items so that they are accessible to individuals approved by the Board during normal business hours. 2. The archivist will submit to the Board annually an inventory of all archived items collected during the previous calendar year.
Section 11.01 Slate of Candidates The AAMN Leadership Succession Committee will provide a slate of candidates for national office during its year of service. It is recommended that a minimum of two (2) candidates for office of President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and a minimum of three (3) candidates for Members-At-Large for each of these offices due for election during that year.
1. In even years, the election of the Vice President, Treasurer and three (3) Members-at-Large. 2. In odd years, the election of the President-Elect, Secretary and three (3) Members-at-Large. 3. Thirty (30) days after the close of the Annual Conference, the Leadership Succession Committee will announce the opening of nominations for National Officer candidates. 4. Candidates nominated for National office will submit a properly completed Consent-to-Serve form, a recent photograph, and a biographical sketch aligned with the candidate criteria for each respective office. 5. Electronic voting will commence five months prior to the Annual Conference. The voting period will be open for 2 weeks. Voting will be conducted in a manner that all members have an opportunity to vote. At the close of the voting period, the Leadership Succession Committee will review, determine, and certify the election results. The election results will only be disclosed to the Board of Directors and all candidates at least three months prior to the Annual Conference. The election results will be formally announced via official communication to all voting members’ two months prior to the Annual Conference
Section 11.02 Electoral Process A Simple majority, 50% of members who have voted, constitutes election. In the event of a tie, a run-off or special election shall be held. If the runoff election does not resolve the tie, the Leadership Succession Committee will determine the winner between the two candidates receiving the most votes.
Section 11.03 Term of Office Each officer and committee member shall begin his or her duties with the onboarding transition two months prior to the Annual Conference and resume the duties of the position with voting rights after the conclusion of the Annual Conference.
Section 11.04 Appeal Process Election appeals must be in writing to the Leadership Succession Committee Chairperson within ten (10) days of the candidate being informed of the election results. The decision of the Leadership Succession Committee shall be final.
Section 12.01 Fiscal Year The fiscal year shall be from January 1st to December 31st.
Section 12.02 Fiduciary Responsibility The Board shall be responsible for the finances of this Association.
Section 12.03 Membership Dues The dollar amounts of annual membership dues, and of special assessments, shall be recommended by the Board, and subject to the approval by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board.
Section 12.04 Delinquent Dues
1. Members are delinquent and not in good standing if dues have not been paid within sixty (60) days after the date due. 2. The Association or its representative shall notify each member in arrears. 3. A delinquent member may be reinstated to good standing upon payment of dues for the next twelve (12) months.
Article XIII. Foundation
The American Association for Men in Nursing Foundation, referred to as the “Foundation,” will act as a public charity and will operate under Section 509(a)3 as a supporting organization to the Association.
The Foundation will operate as type II under the Internal Revenue Service Section 509(a)3 with the Association Board of Directors Chairman and Immediate Past President as liaisons to the Foundation.
Foundation activities will NOT conflict with the Association strategic plan or bylaws. The Association Board will approve financial support for Foundation operations including financial and personnel resources.
Article XIV. Amendments New Bylaws may be adapted or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members in good standing present at the annual conference or Special Meeting of members voting, provided a quorum is met as defined in Article IX, Section B, Quorum, of these Bylaws. The proposed changes will be available for member review thirty days prior to the Annual Conference.

Membership and Chapters Committee: The Membership and Chapters Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, who shall serve as chairperson, and three (3) members appointed by the Board to serve a one-year term. Duties include the development and maintenance of chapter start-up procedures, serve as a liaison between chapters and the Board, facilitate chapter news and updates to the larger membership, updating and maintenance of a membership roll, collection of membership dues, and overall recruitment and retention publicity and efforts for Assembly membership.
Communications Committee: The Communications Committee shall consist of at least two (2) Board members, one of which must be the Secretary who shall serve as the Chairperson, and three (3) members appointed by the Board to serve a one-year term. Duties include: publication of a quarterly newsletter, oversee the production of the Assembly's website, establish and monitor Board participation in a web-based discussion forum, and maintain electronic and hardcopy files of all Assembly communications, minutes, actions, and presentations.
Volunteer Committee Members are welcome. Please contact