AAMN's Haiti Fundraiser for NurseTim
Dr. Tim Bristol -- better known to many in the nursing community as NurseTim -- is making another trip to Haiti in March. NurseTim is a longtime member of AAMN, and he’s asking his fellow AAMN members to help his next trip in a special way.
The trip will include nurses and nursing students from multiple schools and hospitals around the country. Those nurses and students will be helping faculty and nurses associated with the Faculty of Nursing Sciences of Leogane.
But the trip will require some equipment, and that’s where AAMN members can help.
A special online gift registry as been set up at Amazon.com. AAMN members can donate to purchase items including thermometers, blood pressure cups, surgical tape and more. When you donate with this link -- Amazon.com -- the items will be sent to NurseTim directly to take to Haiti.
NurseTim has been leading teams to Haiti since 2007. Through these trips and other work in Haiti, he has guided over 600 people through activities related to health care, nursing, social impact, emergency response, missions, community development and much more.
Nurses, students, faculty and others interested in participating in any of NurseTim’s upcoming Haiti trips can get more information at NurseTim.com/Haiti.